Found few more dumps questions while I happened to surf the net,hope it's of some use for you.. All the best!!
Illusions :-O
An optical illusion (also called a visual illusion) is characterized by visually perceived images that differ from objective reality. The information gathered by the eye is processed and the brain to give a percept that does not tally with a physical measurement of the stimulus source. There are three main types of illusion - literal optical illusions that create images that are different from the objects that make them, physiological illusions that are the effects on the eyes and brain of excessive stimulation of a specific type - brightness, tilt, color, movement, and cognitive illusions where the eye and brain make unconscious inferences.
Just check out these pictures,observe them closely,u'll notice a lot of interesting things!!
Just check out these pictures,observe them closely,u'll notice a lot of interesting things!!
Useful materials :))
Hi friends,
I have uploaded few e-books for JAVA and dumps questions for SCJP exam. To download the same kindly click on the links. Hope it will be of some use for you people!!All The Best :-)
1. Head First Java e-book
2. Kathy Sierra and Bert bates e-book
3. SCJP objectives
4. SCJP dumps
5. Questions & Anwers
2. Kathy Sierra and Bert bates e-book
3. SCJP objectives
4. SCJP dumps
5. Questions & Anwers
JAVA materials
B'glore Traffic :-O
Yesterday my brother-in-law sent me this link. It's quite interesting and so I thought of sharing it with you people. It helps us view the Banglore traffic,the cameras get updated for every 10 seconds. It's truly amazing,I should say that it is yet another milestone. Click on the name of the place you want to view.It can be quite useful for B'glore folks. Hopefully something similar should also be set up in Chennai and all metroploitan cities very soon to ensure safety and to plan our travel!!
Click here!!
Click here!!
Puzzle :)
Try this puzzle,it's quite simple and interesting!!
4 criminals are caught and are to be punished. The Judge allows them to be freed if they can solve a puzzle. If they do not, they will be hung. They agreed.
The 4 criminals are lined up on some steps (shown in picture). They are all facing in the same direction. A wall separates the fourth man from the other three.
So to summarize:-
Man 1 can see men 2 and 3.
Man 2 can see man 3.
Man 3 can see none of the others.
Man 4 can see none of the others.
The criminals are wearing hats. They are told that there are two white hats and two black hats. The men initially don't know what colour hat they are wearing. They are told to shout out the color of the hat that they are wearing as soon as they know for certain what colour it is.
They are not allowed to turn round or move.
They are not allowed to talk to each other.
They are not allowed to take their hats off.
Who is the first person to shout out and why?

The 4 criminals are lined up on some steps (shown in picture). They are all facing in the same direction. A wall separates the fourth man from the other three.
So to summarize:-
Man 1 can see men 2 and 3.
Man 2 can see man 3.
Man 3 can see none of the others.
Man 4 can see none of the others.
The criminals are wearing hats. They are told that there are two white hats and two black hats. The men initially don't know what colour hat they are wearing. They are told to shout out the color of the hat that they are wearing as soon as they know for certain what colour it is.
They are not allowed to turn round or move.
They are not allowed to talk to each other.
They are not allowed to take their hats off.
Who is the first person to shout out and why?
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